A couple short films with some eye-catching interfaces… The first film is Lost Memories, by Francois Ferracci, and it has some nice holographic-like projections. For more on the film’s production there is an interview with the director on One Small Window. The second film is Plurality, by Dennis Liu. It’s a bigger film, with a lot […]
Tag: future interfaces
Make It So
For years I’ve though about writing a book on interface design in science fiction movies. The idea always started as a big coffee table book full of great examples, but then the details started to get tricky: “how would the book be organized?”; “how would all the interconnected themes weave together in the examples?”; and […]
Rear Windows
There’s lots of design activity around how to bring more digital services to drivers, but the passenger often gets left out of the fun. So, it’s interesting to see this work from GM on how to enhance the passengers’ experience. For their Windows of Opportunity project, they focused on engaging children in the rear seats. […]
FastCompany recently posted a insightful analysis, definitely worth a read, of the challenges the auto industry faces as they work to embrace consumer electronics and other ditigal trends. The title begins “Cars Are Horrible Mobile Tech Devices…” and details the root of the problem: “Fast as they they may go, automobiles are some of the […]
Here’s a charming Augmented Reality vision piece, “Medley,” created by Mattias Wozniak and Björn Svensson as part of their Masters Thesis at Lund University in Sweden. It’s full of great, beautifully delicate, examples how AR could be incorporated into everyday life. A nice contrast to some of the alternative nightmarish advertising or boring corporate scenarios. […]
Monday Note has a great post by Frédéric Filloux on Reconciling efficiency with serendipity. He starts with, what should be for us designers, an encouraging quote: “For digital media publishers, Design is the biggest challenge.” He then talks about how trapped we remain by traditional notions of publishing: After more than fifteen years of internet […]
Art is a Hammer
In a short but interesting piece in the Harvard Business Review, John Maeda & Becky Bermont provoke with Why Business Leaders Should Act More like Artists. Their three big “ahas” around breaking stereotypes and working like artists are 1) artists constantly collaborate, 2) artists are talented communicators, and 3) artists learn how to learn together. […]