Ok. Step number one, watch this visualization of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring… Wow, right?! It was created by Stephen Malinowski, using his Music Animation Machine. Ok – it’s not interactive (the alleged theme of this blog) but it’s amazing. I could do a hundred posts on different way to visualize music. I just realized I haven’t yet posted about […]
Tag: data visualization
Having recently restarted my design practice of Triplecode, I’ve become increasingly busy (and, of course interested in) projects involving data and “big data.” My own work tends to focus on information design and giving tools to make the data useful. But there’s a whole other community which explores artistic expression using the same types of […]
Cascade is beautiful new tool, developed by the NYTimes R&D Lab, to analyze and understand how news stories move through social media networks. The app takes a huge amount of data — they publish over 6,000 pieces of content every month — and displays every “sharing event” that follows from them. It displays this information […]
This week I’ve been absorbed by everything Wikileaks — not just the information that’s being revealed, but the behind the scenes technology, how the content is made available, and its impact on journalism. Much of the Wikileaks data is said to come from SIPRNet and I was curious what sort of interface it had. Understandably, […]
Journalism in the Age of Data
Take a look at Journalism in the Age of Data. It’s a great report, by Geoff McGhee, on current trends in data visualization. While the focus is primarily on information graphics, it also demonstrates how giving audiences the ability to interact with the data enables greater understanding. The report covers a lot of ground. I […]
Information Aesthetics has a nice interview with Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg. After working for years at the IBM Visual Communication Lab, they’ve gone out on their own and founded a new data visualization firm, Flowing Media. Their work is a inspiring mix of smart thinking and clever communication about the data being presented, allowing people […]