Past Quick

Is Low-Res the new Black?

Somehow, I’ve ended up with a handful of browser-based links — a mix of retro, low-res, and stuff that made me say “I didn’t know that you could do that.”

  • Google BBS Terminal is what Google would have looked like if it existed in the 80s. google_terminal
  • PCE.js is a Mac Plus emulator running Mac OS System 7. Wow. And you can run KidPix, MacDraw, and lots of other stuff.mac_emulate
  • The Internet Archive Software Collection’s Historical Software Collection. An amazing collection of old Apple, Atari, etc, software, that you can run in a browser. My favorite bit of nostalgia are things like Hi-Res Adventure #1: Mystery House and Lemonade Stand. Hi-Res_Adventure_1_Mystery_House_1980_On-Line_Systems_PD_screenshot Lemonade_Stand_1979_Apple_screenshot

Lastly, this tweet has been on my mind a lot since I saw it: “Rogue is 80×20. Go is 19×19. Chess is 8×8. You should never need a larger possibility space than Go.” Design needs constraints, and constraints don’t have to limit the creative potential of design.