

I’ve posted before about Chrome Experiments (and just recently Google celebrated 500 Chrome Experiments) – but this new one, more like their grand experiments such as The Wilderness Downtown, is fascinating. Entitled Movi.Kanti.Revo it’s from Cirque du Soleil and was developed by Subatomic Systems. (Note: you’ll need to view it with Chrome.)

It’s still got a lot of Cirque du Soleil’s usual poetic loopiness, but it explores interaction in some interesting ways – particularly for a web-based experience. The site uses your computer’s camera and microphone as the primary way in which you navigate the site. Move your body from side to side, and even at one point, sing, to control the journey. This type of interaction seems perfectly in-tune with their dance/body performances, and nicely makes you feel involved, rather than just watching some videos.

The site’s full of pretty snazzy 3D effects. Subatomic explains how they did this in all in HTML5, as well showing how easy it is to tweak the code in-browser. (Jump to 52:07)

There’s more information about the project on this official Google Blog post as well as some detailed HTML5 code discussion on HTML5 Rocks.